Details for Puppy Head Start:
Customized training program for your puppy. You will be taught how to manage your puppies' environment to set him/her and yourself up for success. We will cover the importance of puppy socialization and consistency in puppies' daily life. Puppies nutrition.
We will work on teaching your dog the basic AKC obedience commands: sit, down, come, leave it, wait at the door, short stays, and loose-leash walking.
A written summary of the training lesson when applicable will be emailed to you, along with homework, a training journal, and any supplemental material that may be helpful (videos, weblinks, books suggested toys, etc).
By having your dog trained early, you begin a positive relationship with your puppy, enabling you to enjoy the precious stages of puppyhood without the aggravation that can overshadow this time of life. Puppies will lose their cuteness very fast if they are constantly pottying in your home, chewing your shoes, or jumping on visitors. There will be growing pains with every puppy; however, we can help you minimize the frustration and set you and your puppy up for more enjoyable times.
Private lessons are available between 8 AM and 5 PM five days a week, and Saturday mornings from 8 AM to 12 PM. Additional sessions can be added at the same hourly rate of the package purchase.
Details for a Reverse Board & Train:
For a 10-day period Monday - Friday, we come to your home and train your dog on-site. Our time spent with 1 dog on site is 1.5 hours, which includes a daily walk. In addition, you will have multiple phone consultations discussing your dog's progress and any observations that have been made. You will receive a daily training log, as well as a daily journal of your dog's training with the trainer. Helpful links will also be sent via email to set you and your dog up for success, not just short-term, but also long-term. Specific behavior concerns will be addressed as requested by the owner. Because of the time required to "fix" some problem behaviors, this may affect how many other commands can be taught in the two weeks. Some unwanted behaviors cannot be fixed in a 2-week period and a longer stay or ongoing private lessons may be suggested.
The number of commands learned will vary based on the dog's speed of learning, attention span, and desire to work. Typically we do our best to teach your dog the basic AKC obedience commands: sit, down, come, leave it, wait at the door, short stays, and walking with a loose leash.
At the completion of the reverse board and train, our trainer will review with you the behaviors your dog has learned and will send a packet detailing how to maintain and reinforce what your dog has learned.
Total time spent with your dog is about 20 hours, overall time spent about 25 with phone consults. Additional dog: Training time on-site will increase by 30 minutes. Total time spent on-site will be 2 hours.
Details for Private Lessons:
Customized training program for your dog. You will be taught how to manage your dog's environment to set him/her and yourself up for success. You will learn how to incorporate basic obedience into your daily life to maintain what you have taught your dog over the 4-6 course. We will cover the importance of good nutrition.
We will work on teaching your dog the basic AKC obedience commands: sit, down, come, leave it, wait at the door, short stays, and loose leash walking.
A written summary of the training lesson when applicable will be emailed to you, along with homework, a training journal, and any supplemental material that may be helpful (videos, weblinks, books suggested toys, etc).
Private lessons are available between 8 AM and 5 PM five days a week, and Saturday mornings from 8 AM to 12 PM. Additional sessions can be added at the same hourly rate as the package purchase.
Details for a Board & Train:
Your dog will train in a home environment. Based on the needs of your dog, the training will be a minimum of two weeks in length to give your dog the foundation he or she needs. Specific behavior concerns will be addressed as requested by the owner. Because of the time required to "fix" some problem behaviors, this may affect how many other commands can be taught in the two weeks. Some unwanted behaviors cannot be fixed in a two week period and a longer stay or ongoing private lessons may be suggested.
The number of commands learned will vary based on the dog's speed of learning, attention span, and desire to work. Typically we do our best to teach your dog the basic AKC obedience commands: sit, down, come, leave it, wait at the door, short stays, and walking with a loose leash.
You will receive regular email and/or text updates on your dog's progress, along with any cute anecdotes about his or her behavior in our family. Outside of your dog's daily training routine, your dog will be given the same care and attention that our own dogs enjoy, including treats, regular and age-appropriate exercise, belly rubs, and playtimes.
Your dog will have several training sessions throughout the day; dogs learn best with several shorter lessons rather than one long one. At the completion of the board and train, our trainer will review with you the behaviors your dog has learned and will send a packet detailing how to maintain and reinforce what your dog has learned. A board and train agreement and questionnaire will need to be completed and returned prior to drop off.